Monday 15 March 2010

Food prepared in microwave oven causes cancer? - Yahoo! Answers India

Food prepared in microwave oven causes cancer? - Yahoo! Answers India
After I moved to a new place I started looking for a quick way to prepare meals. Apart from fruit, spreads, and salads, I would like to have some cooked food but without the overhead of having to prepare them for a long time and do a lot of cleaning up afterwards. If I had to do that every night it would occupy all of my time, which is pointless.
Browsing the shops today for some household stuff, I ran into some plastic rice cookers that caught my eye. The cooker was nothing special but next to them was a booklet about pros of microwave cooking. Having read a few interesting things in there, I decided to research more info online.
From what I could see, microwaves are not a health hazard if used properly. I generally don't like plastic containers so I'm using Pyrex glass dish to heat and cook food in microwave. It was interesting and refreshing to see quite a number of recipes in the booklet mentioned.
So, now microwave looks like a perfect answers to my prayers. I can use a single dish to cook small amounts of food. There is not much to wash afterwards and the food is good. I managed to cook scrambled eggs, which I considered impossible initially. Well, seems I'll be doing more microwaving in the days to come and experience the pros and cons compared to conventional gas or electric cooking.

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