Tuesday 23 March 2010


I’m getting very used to freedom of choosing food for meals. Sometimes I mix variety of small bits of different food and that makes a dinner. Other times I cook. Usually I make sandwiches for lunch, as well. I’m mostly enjoying just mixing tastes and experimenting with food. I find there’s more of that going on rather than preparing actual dinner. Although I do get to eat what I prepare, there are usually leftovers for tomorrow. So now I’m quite confident that cooking is not a big deal at all. Especially with microwave cooking it gets very convenient in terms of number of different bowls required for food preparation. I just bought a ceramic bowl today and it is perfect for microwave cooking. Got a plastic cover with holes in it, made for microwave cooking to keep most of the moisture within the bowl and the food being cooked. I’m quite happy with how the food turns out. The difference with gas or electric cooking is that the bowl rotates in the microwave automatically and there is no steering needed. The food gets cooked equally. This gives me time to work on other bits of the meal or making those sandwiches for tomorrow. I quite like how things can be simple and easy sometimes.

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