Thursday, 24 July 2014

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 interactive seat map

All the passengers from the Flight 17

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 interactive seat map -

Why Seven Hours of Sleep Might Be Better Than Eight - WSJ

Latest findings on number of hours of sleep needed.
And, some practical advice on finding it:
Experts say people should be able to figure out their optimal amount of sleep in a trial of three days to a week, ideally while on vacation. Don't use an alarm clock. Go to sleep when you get tired. Avoid too much caffeine or alcohol. And stay off electronic devices a couple of hours before going to bed. During the trial, track your sleep with a diary or a device that records your actual sleep time. If you feel refreshed and awake during the day, you've probably discovered your optimal sleep time.
Five healthy adults were placed in what the researchers called Stone Age-like conditions in Germany for more than two months—without electricity, clocks or running water. Participants fell asleep about two hours earlier and got on average 1.5 hours more sleep than was estimated in their normal lives, the study said.
Their average amount of sleep per night: 7.2 hours.

Why Seven Hours of Sleep Might Be Better Than Eight - WSJ

Friday, 18 July 2014

What's stopping solar's assault on diesel? | Business Spectator

"... with the marginal cost of generation from diesel power systems hovering around $250-$400/MWh and PV systems being able to be installed for an effective cost of between $200-$240/MWh (low penetration and excluding storage), it must be assumed that there are some other, non-cost related underlying structural barriers that are preventing or delaying the deployment of renewables."
What's stopping solar's assault on diesel? | Business Spectator

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Friday, 11 July 2014

Nikola Tesla: Kako proceniti čoveka

Nikola Tesla: Kako proceniti čoveka: "

Naše vrline i naši promašaji su neodvojivi, kao sila i materija. Kada se odvoje, nema više čoveka.

Neka budućnost kaže istinu, procenite svakoga čoveka prema njegovom radu i zaslugama. Sadašnjost je njihova, ali budućnost je moja, za koju sam tako naporno radio.

Čovek mora vežbati u umerenost i nadzor svojih čula i sklonosti u bilo kojem pogledu, da bi tako održao sebe mladim u telu i razumu. Suzdržavanje mi nije uvek bilo po ukusu, ali su moja iskustva velika nagrada.

Čovek je rođen da radi, da trpi i da se bori. Ko tako ne čini, mora propasti.

Učio sam tuce jezika, proučavao literature i umetnost proveo svoje najbolje godine u bibliotekama čitajući sve što bi mi došlo pod ruku i osetio sam da sam traćio vreme, ali ubrzo sam shvatio da je to bilo najbolje što sam ikada učinio.

Od svih ’sila trenja’, ona koja najviše usporava ljudski napredak je neznanje, ono što Buda naziva ’najveće zlo u svetu’.

Najvažniji produkt stvaralačkog uma je izum. Njegov je krajnji cilj ovladavanje uma prirodom i iskorištavanje njezinih sila za potrebe čovečanstva.

 Ako pokušam nastaviti prekinuti tok misli,osećam pravu duhovnu mučninu,nehotice tada prelazim na drugi posao,iznenađen svežinom uma i lakoćom kojom svladavam prepreke koje su mi pre kvarile račune. I redovno  nalazim odgovore na teška pitanja uz najmanji napor.

Ako ne znate kako, promatrajte pojave prirode, ona će vam dati jasne odgovore i inspiraciju."

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

The lie that started the First World War - Telegraph

In regards to the 100 years of the events in Sarajevo that started the first world war, or The Great War, as it is sometimes called.

The lie that started the First World War - Telegraph

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Electric Motorcycles

From what these guys say, this seems to be *it*. No vibrations, no noise, instant torque, no gear shifting. What else would you want with a bike?
There's also no oiling, no spark plugs, no powertrain maintenance, no clutch and gearbox. Well, that's almost all that used to represent a motorcycle. Now, the only thing that's left is the ride.

It's just better


  • Zero Motorcycles, available in Europe (link); Austria (link)

Advantages in Austria

  • No road tax

LAPD's electric motorbikes

Does this mean electric motorbikes are ready for prime time?

cost: $13,000
0-60mph in 4.8 seconds
max speed: 95mph (~150km/h)
recharge time: 8 hours
average range: 117 miles (~188km)
average cost to recharge: $1.50 (vs $17.00 gas)


A case for ditching gas